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Article VII

The National Grid Project team worked with state and federal agencies to receive approval for the project. The process began with an application to the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (Certificate) under Article VII of the State Public Service Law. The Article VII process involves an evaluation of alternatives and all potential impacts from the project, including a detailed environmental impact assessment. The PSC granted the Certificate on April 23, 2018, allowing the project to be constructed.


National Grid received PSC approval of the project's Environmental Management and Construction Plan (EM&CP) on June 13, 2019. The EM&CP includes best practices for construction and the project's final design.

Once the EM&CP was approved, the New York State Department of Public Service issued a Notice to Proceed with Construction. A Construction Commencement Notice was provided to the community, including affected landowners, prior to the start of constructing the transmission line in July 2019.

A separate EM&CP is required for the Cicero Substation portion of the project and will be prepared and submitted prior to the start of construction. Similarly, the community, including affected landowners, will receive a Construction Commencement Notice before the substation construction work begins.

Public Involvement and Comment

The permitting process includes opportunities for public involvement. Comments from the public are accepted from project permitting through construction. To contact National Grid with a question or comment, click the “Contact Us” link.

How to Become a Party?

Interested persons who wish to participate as parties in this case may file a request for party status with the PSC. This may be done through the PSC's website. From the home page of the PSC's website ( ), a prospective party should click on "Search." On the Search page, the "Search by Case Number" box should be filled in with the number for this case (15-T-0305). This will bring the user to the main Document and Matter Management page for this case. On that page, the prospective party should click the button at the upper right labeled "Request for Party Status" to see a web page with instructions for the procedures to follow to become a party. An application to become a party to this case can be filed anytime while the case remains open with the PSC.