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Where can we help you today?

Service Rates

Review our rate descriptions and pricing schedules for residential customers. For information on our other rates or detailed information, please view our filed tariff provisions.

Gas Service Rates

This is our standard rate for residential customers who do not have gas space heating equipment.

Delivery Service Rates (R-1)

(For definitions of these charges, please view the Glossary of terms on your bill. For a complete list of the components of these charges and their values please see the “Current and Historical Delivery Service Rates” section below.)

Service Rate
Customer Charge $10.00/30 days
Gas Delivery Charge* $1.5016/Therm
Distribution Adjustment—Legacy Boston Territory** $0.2951/Therm
Distribution Adjustment—Legacy Colonial Territory** $0.1985/Therm

* Also known as the Distribution Charge. Includes the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factor (RDAF).

** Also known as the Local Distribution Adjustment Factor (LDAF). The LDAF differs for customers served in National Grid’s legacy Boston Gas service territory and the legacy Colonial Gas service territory.

Rates for Supplier Services (R-1)

View our Supply Costs area for details on our Default Service pricing.

If you are a residential customer and you meet the requirements listed below then you may be eligible for a discount on your monthly gas bill. This will save you money and will not affect the service you currently receive. Eligible customers will receive a 25% discount reflected on their bill. To apply, please complete this Discount Rate Application form.

Eligibility Criteria (R-2)

  • You do not have gas space heating equipment
  • Your National Grid utility account is in your name
  • And either:
    • You are eligible for the low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP), or its successor program, for which eligibility does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level based on a household’s gross income. (In a program year in which maximum eligibility for LIHEAP exceeds 200% of the federal poverty level, a household that is income eligible under LIHEAP shall be eligible for the low-income electric discount.)
    • Or you are currently receiving benefits under one of the following means-tested programs: EAEDC, Food Stamps, WIC, Head Start, Mass Health, National School Lunch Program, Public Housing, School Breakfast Program, Supplemental Security Program, TAFDC, Veterans Programs - 115 benefits, DIC surviving parent, or Non-Service Pension.

Delivery Service Rates (R-2)

(For definitions of these charges, please view the Glossary of terms on your bill. For a complete list of the components of these charges and their values please see the “Current and Historical Delivery Service Rates” section below.)

Service Rate
Customer Charge $10.00/30 days
Gas Delivery Charge* $1.5016/Therm
Distribution Adjustment—Legacy Boston Territory** $0.2951/Therm
Distribution Adjustment—Legacy Colonial Territory** $0.1985/Therm

* Also known as the Distribution Charge. Includes the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factor (RDAF).

** Also known as the Local Distribution Adjustment Factor (LDAF). The LDAF differs for customers served in National Grid’s legacy Boston Gas service territory and the legacy Colonial Gas service territory.

Rates for Supplier Services (R-2)

View our Supply Costs area for details on our Default Service pricing.

This is our standard rate for residential customers who have gas space heating equipment.

Delivery Service Rates (R-3B, R-3C)

(For definitions of these charges, please view the Glossary of terms on your bill. For a complete list of the components of these charges and their values please see the “Current and Historical Delivery Service Rates” section below.)

Charges Boston R-3B  Colonial R-3C
Customer Charge

$12.00 /30 days

$12.00/30 days

Gas Delivery Charge* $0.9800/Therm $0.9469/Therm
Distribution Adjustment** $0.2951/Therm $0.1985/Therm

* Also known as the Distribution Charge. Includes the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factor (RDAF).

** Also known as the Local Distribution Adjustment Factor (LDAF). The LDAF differs for customers served in National Grid’s legacy Boston Gas service territory and the legacy Colonial Gas service territory.

Rates for Supply Service (R-3B, R-3C)

View our Supply Costs area for details on our Default Service pricing.

If you are a residential customer and you meet the requirements listed below then you may be eligible for a discount on your monthly gas bill. This will save you money and will not affect the service you currently receive. Eligible customers will receive a 25% discount reflected on their bill. To apply, please complete this Discount Rate Application form.

Eligibility Criteria (R-4B, R-4C)

  • You have gas space heating equipment
  • Your National Grid utility account is in your name
  • And either:
    • You are eligible for the low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP), or its successor program, for which eligibility does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level based on a household’s gross income. (In a program year in which maximum eligibility for LIHEAP exceeds 200% of the federal poverty level, a household that is income eligible under LIHEAP shall be eligible for the low-income electric discount.)
    • Or you are currently receiving benefits under one of the following means-tested programs: EAEDC, Food Stamps, WIC, Head Start, Mass Health, National School Lunch Program, Public Housing, School Breakfast Program, Supplemental Security Program, TAFDC, Veterans Programs - 115 benefits, DIC surviving parent, or Non-Service Pension.

Delivery Service Rates (R-4B, R-4C)

(For definitions of these charges, please view the Glossary of terms on your bill. For a complete list of the components of these charges and their values please see the “Current and Historical Delivery Service Rates” section below.)

Charges Boston R-4B  Colonial R-4C
Customer Charge

$12.00 /30 days

$12.00 /30 days

Gas Delivery Charge* $0.9800/Therm $0.9469/Therm
Distribution Adjustment** $0.2951/Therm $0.1985/Therm

* Also known as the Distribution Charge. Includes the Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factor (RDAF).

** Also known as the Local Distribution Adjustment Factor (LDAF). The LDAF differs for customers served in National Grid’s legacy Boston Gas service territory and the legacy Colonial Gas service territory.

Rates for Supply Service (R-4B, R-4C)

View our Supply Costs area for details on our Default Service pricing.

The tables below contain historical National Grid Gas Delivery Service Rates as approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. The Boston Gas Company summaries include rates for customers receiving service on the former Colonial Gas Company rate classes as of November 1, 2021, and the former Essex Gas Company as of November 1, 2016.

Delivery Service Rates November 1, 2021, through Present

Boston Gas
March 1, 2025
November 1, 2024
October 1, 2024
May 1, 2024
April 1, 2024
November 1, 2023
October 1, 2023
May 1, 2023
November 1, 2022
October 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
December 1, 2021
November 1, 2021


Delivery Service Rates November 1, 2016, through October 31, 2021

Boston Gas Colonial Gas
May 1, 2021 May 1, 2021
November 1, 2020 November 1, 2020
May 1, 2020 May 1, 2020
November 1, 2019 November 1, 2019
May 1, 2019 May 1, 2019
November 1, 2018 November 1, 2018
May 1, 2018 May 1, 2018
November 1, 2017 November 1, 2017
May 9, 2017 n/a
May 1, 2017 May 1, 2017
November 1, 2016 November 1, 2016


Delivery Service Rates January 1, 2015, through October 31, 2016

Boston Gas Colonial Gas Essex Gas
May 1, 2016 May 1, 2016 May 1, 2016
November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015
May 1, 2015 May 1, 2015 May 1, 2015