About the Project

Starting on or around August 19, 2024, we will begin upgrading our infrastructure on Stewart Avenue between South Street and Merrick Avenue.
This project will increase the reliability of the system, enhance safety, and the service throughout Long Island. Work will involve excavation of the roadway, installation of new infrastructure, temporary restoration of the roadway, testing of the new infrastructure, and final restoration of the roadway.
During work within our facility at 600 Stewart Avenue, work will be performed in the day. During work on Stewart Avenue, work will be performed at night, Sunday – Thursday 8 pm – 5 am.
Additional expectations during construction:
- Traffic pattern changes. There will be changes to traffic patterns during work hours, and a flagger will be onsite to assist as necessary. Please be aware of construction traffic signs and cones.
- Street plates. The project site will be secured and plated during non-work hours.
- Please note that after temporary restoration, the road surface may be rough.
- For your safety, please do not enter work zones and be mindful of work zones during and after construction.
Project Benefit:
- This project will improve reliability of our energy service in Nassau County