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About the Project

PL-E18 Pipeline ILI Enable (Mohawk River and I890 HDD)

National Grid is proposing to replace approximately 1.1 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline within the Eastern New York (ENY) gas service territory in the Towns of Glenville and Rotterdam, Schenectady County, New York. The existing Pipeline E18 will be decommissioned and abandoned in place after installation of the new pipeline.

There are two adjacent segments in the southern section where PL E18 changes diameter. The sections are a 16” dual-run under the Mohawk river, and a 24” crossing under Interstate 890. To begin making the southern section In-Line Inspection (ILI) capable, and to comply with federal requirements, we must replace these two segments to give us a continuous run of 20” pipe for nearly the entire run between the Putnam Road and Vley Road gas regulation stations. Replacing the river crossing will also allow us to replace existing plug valves that would currently restrict passage of ILI devices.

Project details include:

  • The project is located in Schenectady County, New York.
  • The project consists of hydraulic drilling from the Town of Rotterdam to the Town of Glenville.
  • The drill would be located on National Grid property, the Rotterdam Substation, and will exit on National Grid’s electric right-of-way on the Glenville side.
  • The project includes drilling approximately 2,000 feet of 20” pipe, replacing two valves, and the direct bury another 500 feet of pipe.