Ways to Start Saving Today
Recognizing that many of us are spending more time at home, we’ve created a comprehensive list of easy ways for you to cut your energy costs by making your home more energy efficient.
- Make use of natural light sources during daytime hours by keeping blinds and curtains open.
- Turn off lights, appliances, TVs, audio devices and computers when not in use.
- Smart power strips can help you control the amount of energy your electronics use. If you don’t have one, unplug the electronics you aren’t using.
- Don’t leave chargers plugged in if they’re not charging your devices. They’re still drawing energy.
- Adjust your TV’s display settings to significantly reduce its power use without compromising picture quality.
- Make sure to only run full loads in the dishwasher and dryer and don’t forget to clean the lint filter after each use.
- Did you know you can conserve energy by simply flicking a switch? The switch on the side of your fan reverses the blades to spin clockwise, pushing hot air down into your home.
- Set your refrigerator’s temperature to 38°F.
- Try to minimize the number of times you and the family open the fridge and freezer during the day.
- If you have a toaster oven use it to reheat or cook small meals. It uses less energy than a traditional oven.
- For rebates and solutions available to you, please visit our Energy Saving Programs.
- Lower your water heater setting to 120°F to save energy and prevent scalding.
- Revisit your thermostat settings to make sure they’re changing with the weather and your schedule.
- You can’t be everywhere at once! When not spending time in certain areas of your home, turn down the heat supply to those rooms to reduce your energy usage.