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Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC) / Cable Television Network Providers (CATV)

These attachers must be registered with the NYSPSC under a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. The current rate for CLEC attachments is the same as the tariff rate filed for CATV .

Select asset to be used from the list below.

National Grid owned electric distribution poles, the record and financial accounting being booked to FERC account 364.

  • Joint Pole Owners List

  • Pole Attachment Application

  • Application Process Guide

  • Custodial Areas with Verizon - Within the joint use pole agreement between National Grid and Verizon NY, Inc., custodial areas have been established in reference to billing of Third Party pole attachments on jointly owned poles. Custodial Areas are assigned by tax district (municipality) within the common NMPC-Verizon service areas. Custodial assignments do not exist with any other of National Grid's joint pole owners. Notwithstanding custodial assignment, application for attachment must be submitted to each pole owner (National Grid and Verizon) and each pole owner grants a license for the attachment.

    Verizon / National Grid Custodial Assignments
    NG = National Grid revised 11/20/07
  • Rates and Fees Information

National Grid designated wood poles supporting electric transmission circuits and recorded in National Grid transmission system plant accounting records (FERC Account No. 355).

If you aren't already signatory to a Standard Transmission Pole Agreement click on the Agreement below and follow the instructions.

Our underground electrical network is primarily located in Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo (and a few smaller municipalities). To the extent conduit is available, our underground network may provide a pathway to reach urban customers.

If you aren't already signatory to a Conduit Occupancy Agreement click on the Agreement below and follow the instructions.


For further information on Conduit Occupancy please contact:

3rd Party Attachments Group
National Grid
300 Erie Boulevard West B-2
Syracuse, NY 13202