Connect to Natural Gas
Before you begin, it’s important to know that there are clean energy heating alternatives available to support your heating needs, energy costs, and the environment.
Electric heat pumps are a smart alternative to oil, propane, electric resistance or natural gas for heating and water heating in any new construction or existing/major renovation project in your residential or commercial buildings. Keep your home or business comfortable all year long with these efficient, environmentally friendly, all-in-one heating and cooling systems. Review our Frequently Asked Questions document to learn more about Heat Pump Technology.
We are proud to promote electrification and to help New York State achieve its energy goals by partnering with NYSERDA, ConEdison, PSEG Long Island and other utilities across the state who offer heat pump technology incentives through the NYS Clean Heat Program. In addition to electric utilities' incentives on heat pump technology, you may also qualify for federal tax credits and New York State income-based incentives.
If you choose to move forward with a natural gas service request you will need to:

Submit your information below. Within 1-2 business days, our team will confirm if natural gas service is available in your neighborhood and that the natural gas line meets the distance requirements to your home.

Once our team has confirmed the availability of natural gas service, please complete and submit the Non-Fossil Alternatives Acknowledgment form. This form must be submitted before any work can begin.