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Where can we help you today?

Smart Meter Opt Out Request

Like any aging appliance, your utility meter will need to be replaced. National Grid is in the process of replacing existing electric meters and gas modules with new “smart meters” and modules in many of the regions we serve. If you decide you do not want a smart meter installed, you must fill out this form to opt-out.* Once opted-out of the program, you will have a new, conventional, or non-communicating, meter installed instead. Since this meter will not transmit data to us automatically, your meter will need to continue to be read manually by a utility representative on a monthly basis and you will be charged the following fees for this service. As a result, you’ll receive an ongoing service charge in your monthly bill to cover the cost of on-site meter reading. The fee covers fuel and vehicle costs, additional field resources, and other expenses. Regardless of Company or Customer reads, opt out fees will still apply.

The change-out fee is a one-time charge to have your smart meter replaced with a non-communicating meter.

One time change-out fee:


Monthly meter reading fee:


Re-installation of Smart Meter:


If you have questions or concerns about smart meter safety, please visit our smart meter safety page or contact our call center prior to completing the form.

If you are a landlord, you are not able to opt-out on behalf of your tenants. This form must be completed by the customer of record, or the National Grid account holder, as fees will be applied to individual customer accounts.

* indicates required fields

Note: We will be installing smart meters within specified regions over the next several months. Once an area is complete, we will circle back with you since you have expressed intent to opt-out of the smart meter installation. To finalize the opt-out process, we will then send out an Opt-out Authorization form to you confirming your information, and approving the charges associated with the manual meter reading fees for conventional/non-communicating meters.

Opt-out requests may take up to 7 business days to process. If a technician arrives at your home for installation and you've requested to opt-out, kindly state that you have completed the opt-out request form online and the technician will move on to other customer installations.

* Only residential and small business customers are eligible to opt-out.  Legacy residential TOU (interval) and large business/commercial customers cannot opt-out as they already have an interval meter and associated rate.