Office Engagement and Equipment Tips
Energy saving habits can go a long way in keeping your office energy costs down while creating a better work environment. Here are a few easy things you and your employees can do to get started.
Educate employees and building occupants about how they impact energy use, and train them in energy-saving practices:
- Turn off machines or put them in sleep mode when they’re not in use, including computer monitors.
- Even when they’re switched off, many appliances continue to draw power. Unplug cords when not in use, or use an advanced power strip that can be turned off or that will turn off automatically. This includes laptop chargers and other electronics.
- If a product requires batteries, use rechargeable batteries, which are more effective, rather than disposable batteries.
- Form a company energy team to encourage energy-efficient practices and behaviors.
- Buy ENERGY STAR® qualified products for your building, including:
- Computers
- Printers
- Copiers
- Televisions
- Fans
- Other appliances and equipment
- For your next computer upgrade, buy laptops, which use much less energy than desktop machines.
- Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is ideal for computers that carry the same image. A network uses less energy than standard PCs and laptops.