Supplier Support and Guidance
Below is a partial listing of the major categories and commodities that we purchase. National Grid maintains a database of qualified vendors for each commodity. That database is used to develop our competitive bidders list.
Information Systems
- Computers & Accessories
- Software License Agreements
- Programming Services
- Cell Phones & Pagers
- Local & Long Distance Services
- Telecommunications Equipment
- Building Maintenance & Repair
- Construction
- Tree trimming & Vegetation Mgt.
- Consulting Services
- Engineering & Management
- Energy Conservation
- Travel
- Environmental Services
Fleet Equipment and Services
- Vehicles and Parts
- Maintenance and Repair Services
- Construction Equipment
- Vehicle and Equipment Rental Agreements
- Vehicle Leasing
Gas Equipment and Materials
- Regulators, Meters
- Measuring Equipment
- Compressors
- Steel and Polyethylene Pipe, Steel and Polyethylene Pipe Fittings
- Valves & Gas Cocks
- Concrete Boxes, Manhole Frames, Anodes, Cathodic Protection systems
Office Equipment and Supplies
- Printed Material
- Office and Computer Supplies
- Reproduction Supplies
- Promotional Items
- Signs, Decals, Rubber Stamps
- Furniture and Fixtures
Industrial Supplies
- Tools & Safety Equipment
- Paints, Varnishes, Thinners, Protective Coatings
- Janitorial Supplies
- Lumber and Wood Products
- Uniforms, Raingear and Boots
- Welding Equipment
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment
- Relays, Controls & Relay Boards
- Measuring Equipment & Dampers
- Generators & Compressors
- Motors & Motor Controls
- Fabricated Steel Products
- Fire Protection Equipment & Supplies
- Instrumentation
Electrical Transmission and Distribution
- Instrumentation
- Transformers, Switches
- Wire, Cable, Capacitors
- Connectors, Splices
- Meters, AMR
- Wood & Steel Poles
- Cross Arms & Pole Line Hardware
Chemicals, Oils & Gases
- Bulk and Cylinder Gases
- Turbine Lube Oils, Motor Oils
- Greases, Lab Chemicals and Bulk Chemicals
National Grid’s Standard Terms and Conditions are listed below. Goods supplied or services provided pursuant to a Purchase Order/Contract are subject to these General Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions regarding the Terms and Conditions, please contact the Services Delivery Center Response Team (SDC) at 1-888-483-2123 or submit your request online at No other conditions of contract shall apply unless previously agreed upon, in writing, by an authorized representative.
- 00200 - Terms and Conditions for Goods
- 00300 - Terms and Conditions for Service Firm
- 00400 - Terms and Conditions for Consulting Services
- 00700 - Terms and Conditions for Construction
- 00750 - Terms and Conditions for Overhead Line Emergency Restoration Services
- 00800 - Terms and Conditions for Engineering Procurement Construction
National Grid’s Freight policy requires that all Suppliers ship materials to National Grid following the delivery instructions indicated per Contract and/or Purchase order. Please refer to the below Inbound/Outboard Carrier Routing Guide and National Grid’s Freight Collect Processes.
New York Direct Payment Permits
National Grid USA Service Company and all other subsidiaries as listed below operating in the State of New York have authorization to pay sales and use tax directly to the State of New York for purchases of taxable goods and services. If you are a vendor of goods and services to National Grid and its affiliates, then please be advised that your invoice to us should not include a line for sales and/or use tax. Copies of our Direct Payment Permits can be downloaded from this website (click on applicable subsidiary company name below to view the applicable DPP). The State of New York requires that you retain copies of these permits in your files as authorization for excluding tax on invoices issued to us.
If you are a construction contractor performing a capital improvement, please be aware that the Direct Payment Permit does not exempt your company from paying sales tax on materials you purchase for a National Grid project. In all jurisdictions in which we operate (except New Hampshire) the construction contractor is deemed to be the end user on all materials, equipment and tools and must pay the sales tax accordingly. Construction Contractors who are making permanent capital improvements to National Grid facilities or infrastructure may complete the New York ST-124 Certificate of Capital Improvement form and have it signed by an authorized National Grid representative to provide evidence there is no requirement to collect Sales and Use Tax from National Grid. Contractors performing repair and maintenance work (i.e., work that does not qualify as “capital improvement”) can rely on the Direct Pay Permit to provide evidence of no requirement to collect Sales and Use Tax from National Grid. Also, for all Projects in the State of New York, please consult your tax advisor to identify any exemption opportunities for your scope of work/scope of supply under the New York Form ST-121 Exempt Use Certificate or New York Form ST-120.1 Contractor Exempt Purchase Certificate.
If you have any questions related to Direct Payment Permits, please contact your tax advisor or the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at 518-485-2889
- Brooklyn Union Gas dba National Grid NY
- Key Span Corp.
- National Grid Generation LLC
- National Grid USA Service Company Inc.
- Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
Massachusetts Direct Permits
National Grid USA Service Company and all other subsidiaries as listed below operating in Massachusetts have authorization to pay sales and use tax directly to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for purchases of taxable goods and services. If you are a vendor of goods and services to National Grid and its affiliates, then please be advised that your invoice to us should not include a line for sales and/or use tax. Copies of our Direct Payment Permits can be downloaded from this website (click on applicable subsidiary company name below to view the applicable DPP). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that you retain copies of these permits in your files as authorization for excluding tax on invoices issued to us.
If you are a construction contractor, please be aware that the Direct Payment Permit does not exempt your company from paying tax on materials you purchase for a National Grid project. In all jurisdictions in which we operate (except New Hampshire) the construction contractor is deemed to be the end user on all materials, equipment and tools and must pay the sales tax accordingly. For projects within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, please consult your tax advisor to identify any exemption opportunities for your scope of work/scope of supply under the Massachusetts Form ST-12 Exempt Use Certificate.
If you have any questions related to Direct Payment Permits, please contact your tax advisor or the Massachusetts Department of Revenue at (617) 887-6367 or (800) 392-6089 (toll-free in Massachusetts).
- Boston Gas Company dba National Grid
- Massachusetts Electric Company
- Nantucket Electric Company
- National Grid USA Service Company, Inc.
- New England Power Company
Vermont Direct Pay Permits
The National Grid USA Service Company operating in Vermont has authorization to pay sales and use tax directly to the State of Vermont for purchases of taxable goods and services. If you are a vendor of goods and services to National Grid and its affiliates, then please be advised that your invoice to us should not include a line for sales and/or use tax. Copies of our Direct Payment Permit can be downloaded from this website (click on applicable subsidiary company name below to view the applicable DPP). The State of Vermont requires that you retain copies of these permits in your files as authorization for excluding tax on invoices issued to us.
If you are a construction contractor, please be aware that the Direct Payment Permit does not exempt your company from paying tax on materials you purchase for a National Grid project. In all jurisdictions in which we operate (except New Hampshire) the construction contractor is deemed to be the end user on all materials, equipment and tools and must pay the sales tax accordingly.
If you have any questions related to Direct Payment Permits, please contact your tax advisor or the Vermont Department of Taxes at (802) 828-2505.
Please be advised, if you make any updates to the following information supplied at the initial onboard:
- Company name
- Address
- Banking
- Contact name
- Phone number
- E-mail address (contact or company)
- Remit to address
- Tax ID number
- Any other changes to company information
Please reach out to directly and a member of the team will supply you with the required forms (W-9, change form, ACH form, bank letter/voided check, legal sale support, etc.)