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Agricultural Discount

The Residential Agricultural Discount Program is an electricity rate discount applied to the electricity delivery charge, available since September 1, 2014, to eligible National Grid residential agricultural customers, as a result of funding through the New York Power Authority (NYPA) ReCharge New York program.


You are eligible to receive the Residential Agricultural Discount if you meet the two conditions noted below:

  1. You have an active National Grid account billed under residential electric service classification - Electric SC1 or Electric SC1C; refer to page 2 of your bill
  2. You are an agricultural customer who has submitted either:

• Internal Revenue Service Form (“IRS”) - Schedule F (Form 1040) -Profit or Loss From Farming as filed with the customer’s most recent federal income tax return; or, 

• IRS Form 1120, 1120S, or 1065 as filed with the customer’s most recent federal income tax return. The Business Activity indicated on the form must be one of the Business Activity codes listed below: 

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 
Crop Production 
111100 - Oilseed & Grain Farming
111210 - Vegetable & Melon Farming (including potatoes & yams)
111300 - Fruit & Tree Nut Farming
111400 - Greenhouse, Nursery, & Floriculture Production
111900 - Other Crop Farming (including tobacco, cotton, sugarcane, hay, peanut, sugar beet & all other crop farming)
Animal Production 
112111 - Beef Cattle Ranching & Farming
112112 - Cattle Feedlots
112120 - Dairy Cattle & Milk Production
112210 - Hog & Pig Farming
112300 - Poultry & Egg Production
112400 - Sheep & Goat Farming 112510 - Aquaculture (including shellfish & finfish farms & hatcheries)
112900 - Other Animal Production
Forestry and Logging 
113110 - Timber Tract Operations
113210 - Forest Nurseries & Gathering of Forest Products
113310 - Logging
Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 
114110 - Fishing
114210 - Hunting & Trapping

The discount amount will be calculated each month and will vary based on how many people participate, the amount of electricity used by participants and available funds from NYPA. The calculated discount rate will be multiplied by your monthly billed kilowatt-hours and appear as a credit in a separate line item “Res Agricultural Discount” on the “Electricity Delivery ” section of your National Grid bill. Credits will not exceed the net total monthly electricity delivery bill for each customer.

If you meet the criteria noted above, apply by completing a Residential Agricultural Discount Application and submit it to National Grid along with your supporting documentation. National Grid Accounts Processing C-1,  ResAgriculturalDiscount, 300 Erie Blvd W Syracuse, NY 13202  Fax: 1-315-876-9464.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us at 1-800-642-4272.

The annual discount begins with meter readings on or after September 1, every year. However, it’s important to submit your application annually by July 1, to start receiving the discount in September of each year

Yes. Applications will be accepted after July 1; however, such applications may not be processed until after the September 1 start date. Please allow up to three months for processing. The discount is not retroactive.

The program will be administered on an annual basis from September 1 through August 31, with the monthly discount provided until funding is no longer available through NYPA. It’s necessary to reapply by July 1 each year to determine continued eligibility.

Yes. If you generate your own electricity, you are eligible to participate in the Residential Agricultural Discount program.

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