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Wholesale Interconnection Process

Our vision is to be at the heart of a clean, fair, and affordable energy future.

In our New England operating regions, National Grid's subsidiary company, New England Power Company (NEP) owns the transmission assets that provide wholesale transmission integrated network service across the region. In our New York jurisdiction, National Grid's subsidiary company, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (NMPC) owns the transmission assets that provide wholesale transmission network service.

Together, as the transmission owner in our respective New England and New York jurisdictions, our goal is to (1) manage the Company's existing wholesale customer activity and business, and (2) facilitate new wholesale generator and or load requests.

Our Relationship with Federal and State Regulators

Our business activities in New England and New York are subject to two tiers of regulation - federal and state. The company is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the public utility commissions in each of the states we operate in:

  • New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC)
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (MA DPU)
  • New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NH PUC)


FERC is the federal agency that, under the Federal Power Act (FPA), has regulatory authority over the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and the sale of wholesale electric energy in interstate commerce.

Our Relationship with Independent System Operators

We work with the non-profit Independent System Operators (ISO), ISO New England (ISO-NE) and the New York ISO (NYISO). ISO-NE and the NYISO  have operational control over our transmission facilities and are responsible for maintaining the operating reliability of the New England and New York networks, for coordinating the activities of the transmission owners, and for managing transparent transmission expansion planning processes. As a transmission owner, we are responsible for certain aspects of the facilities operation, such as maintenance, equipment restoration and switching operations. We work closely with these ISOs to support efficient network operations and transmission investment.

In addition, New England and New York  have their respective ISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), which establishes the rules for obtaining non-discriminatory open access transmission services over the transmission facilities provided by the transmission owners and for recovery of the transmission owners’ revenue requirements.

In collaboration with the ISO’s, we support wholesale customers through the respective Interconnection Procedures governed under the OATT. Below, you’ll find a high-level overview of what wholesale customers could expect through the interconnection process:

General Wholesale Process Overview

  • Interconnection Customers submit an Interconnection Request to the ISO.
  • Interconnection Request types include: Large Generator, Small Generator, and Transmission Upgrades.
  • ISO determines what interconnection study procedures to follow based on a series of screenings.
  • Interconnection studies are required to determine the impact that the Interconnection Request will have on the regional transmission system.
  • Upon completion of the interconnection studies, an Interconnection Agreement, which outlines ownership terms, the timeline to completion, estimated cost, and payment obligations is negotiated.
  • An estimated construction milestone schedule is negotiated with National Grid, and any affected party.
  • Project Managers, along with cross-functional team members, will coordinate construction plans and developments and manage technical communications between parties to ensure milestones are met, pursuant to the Interconnection or Service Agreement(s).
  • National Grid will coordinate the commissioning of the interconnection project.
  • Project Managers, in conjunction with Account Managers, will hold regularly scheduled meetings between the parties to align on the status of schedule, scope, and cost.
  • Account Managers will facilitate billing true-up efforts for the final actual costs of the interconnection project and will coordinate any on-going billing requirements with the interconnection customers.
  • Account Managers will provide continued oversight of contract-related matters throughout the term of the Interconnection or Service Agreement(s).
  • Account Managers will facilitate any technical, operational, and commercial matters associated with the project/ service.

Customer Advocacy

Our Account Managers provide oversight and guidance of all interconnection related matters from project inception, to closeout, and for on-going service.

Contact your Account Manager: