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Where can we help you today?

1 Important Alert(s)


We have restored service to all customers impacted by the historic series of tornadoes and microbursts that tore through the region this week, causing extensive damage to our communities and the energy grid. We thank our customers for their patience and support, and we are grateful for the local officials, first responders, and emergency personnel who helped facilitate the cleanup and restoration. Customers who experienced a power outage lasting more than 72 consecutive hours due to this storm may be eligible for food and/or prescription medicine spoilage reimbursement. Click here to learn more.

Water Heating and Conservation Tips

Being smarter about water heating is better for your energy bill and the environment. Here are a few simple things you can do to conserve and heat water more efficiently.

Conserving water and upgrading your water heating system is a great way to save energy and money throughout your building:

  • Stop leaks. Repairing even small leaks saves gallons of water and dollars each month.
  • Install water-saving aerators, faucets, showerheads, low-flow spray valves, and urinals.
  • Set a maximum water temperature. Check your local codes for specific guidelines.
  • On heaters that are more than seven years old, install an insulation blanket. On both new and old heaters, insulate the first three feet of out pipe.