National Grid Initiates Independent Assessment Process to Assess Greenpoint Vaporizer Project with PSC; Focused on Ensuring Reliable Service for Customers

BROOKLYN, N.Y. – In a report filed today with the New York State Public Service Commission (NYPSC), National Grid initiated the process for an independent assessment of proposed enhancements at the Greenpoint Energy Center, known as the Greenpoint Vaporizer Project. The report emphasizes the importance of this project for maintaining reliable energy for customers while also supporting New York’s transition to a cleaner energy future.
The project is a key component of National Grid’s approach to addressing regional supply constraints, which will help avoid service restrictions and ensure access to essential energy service for Brooklyn customers over the next several years. The Greenpoint Vaporizer Project is part of a portfolio of solutions that were identified in 2020, through a process that included extensive public engagement and independent analysis, as best available options for meeting customers’ current energy needs. Referred to as the Distributed Infrastructure Solution, the portfolio includes targeted infrastructure enhancements to reinforce the existing networks, coupled with demand side programs to help customers reduce their gas usage.
The Greenpoint Vaporizer Project will install two new vaporizers at the company’s existing Greenpoint Energy Center in Brooklyn, which stores liquified natural gas (LNG) for use when it’s most needed for heating homes on the coldest winter days. For more than 50 years, the Greenpoint Energy Center has provided safe, reliable service to customers in Brooklyn. The vaporizer project will allow National Grid to inject gas from the existing storage tanks into the distribution system faster and more efficiently, which will enhance the reliability of the gas network for customers.
The report outlines the extensive work that went into identifying the Greenpoint Vaporizer Project and explains why the project is the best available option when considering reliability, cost, safety, environmental, and other factors. The report also outlines the public meetings, reports, regulatory proceedings, independent analysis, and other efforts National Grid has undertaken to solicit public input that shaped its approach to developing prudent, cost-effective solutions to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the gas network. Finally, the report describes the company’s efforts to deliver energy efficiency, demand response, electrification, and other non-infrastructure solutions for reducing overall gas usage in downstate New York.
National Grid supports New York’s clean energy goals, having announced its own Clean Energy Vision in April. The plan calls for decreased reliance on fossil fuels from the company’s gas and electric networks by 2050 or sooner, with a 90 percent reduction in emissions by 2050. The Distributed Infrastructure Solution aligns with the State’s clean energy goals and supports New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
As part of the NYPSC’s review process, an independent consultant, working at the direction of the Department of Public Service Staff, will conduct an assessment of the project including the need, safety, reliability, and environmental benefits. Below is information describing how the public can participate in four public statement hearings – two virtual and two in-person.
Information Session: 6:00 p.m.
Details of how to gain electronic access to these meetings are here
Any person wishing to provide a public statement at the virtual public statement hearings must pre-register electronically or by telephone by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 19, 2022.
The NYPSC will also hold two in-person public statement hearings at two different locations:
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Information Session: 1:00 p.m.
Public Statement Hearing: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Cooper Park Houses, The Gymnasium, 76 Kingsland Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211
Information Session: 6:00 p.m.
Public Statement Hearing: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Polish and Slavic Center, 176 Java Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222
Both venues for the in-person meetings request that the public follow the City of New York’s COVID-19 Prevention Guidance (
Written comments can be sent by:
- E-filing through the Department of Public Service’s Document and Matter Management System (“DMM”) by visiting click on “Search,” enter (insert Case 19-G-0309/19-G-0310) in the “Search by Case Number” field, then click on “Post Comments” located at the top of the page.
- Email to the Secretary to the Commission at
- Mail or Delivered Directly to the Hon. Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary to the New York State Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 12223-1350.
Comments should refer to (“Insert the Case 19-G-0309 – The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid”) and (“Insert the Case 19-G-0310 – KeySpan Gas East Corp. d/b/a National Grid”).
Comments are requested by 4:30 p.m. on September 30, 2022. All comments submitted to the Secretary and posted on the Department’s DMM website will become part of the official case record.
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