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National Grid Prepares for New England Nor’easter

Oct 26, 2018

Region will experience heavy rain, damaging winds and potential for coastal flooding

WALTHAM, MA / PROVIDENCE, RI  – National Grid is preparing for a powerful Nor’easter that will arrive in New England this weekend.  The storm is expected to bring heavy rain, damaging winds and coastal flooding in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The most severe weather is expected to begin in the early hours of Saturday morning and continue into Saturday night.

Current forecasts indicate that weather conditions could cause damage to the electrical system.  High winds and heavy rain could cause major tree damage resulting in power outages across the region.  National Grid considers this a Type 4 event, meaning three percent of its customers may be impacted for up to 24 hours. National Grid is collaborating with local and state agencies and municipalities to ensure that we are well prepared for the storm and its aftermath.

“National Grid has been closely tracking the trajectory and severity of this storm for several days now to ensure we have the appropriate plan in place for the forecast,” said Dan Bunszell, Vice President of New England Electric Operations. “We are focused on maintaining the safety of our customers and employees, and we are fully equipped to address the outages that will inevitably occur.”

As part of its preparations, more than 350 external line crews have been secured to assist National Grid’s 171 line crews in the region.  More than 260 forestry crews will also be ready to assist in the restoration efforts once conditions are safe to do so. Storm room operations will be opened up in Hopedale, MA; North Andover, MA; Brocton, MA; and, in Providence, RI.  Staging sites are also being set up in various locations across the two states.

We are keeping safety a priority:

We urge customers to watch out for their own wellbeing and the safety of utility crews working during storms. Here are some tips to help keep everyone safe:

  • Never touch downed power lines, and always assume that any fallen lines are live electric wires. If you see one, report it immediately to National Grid or your local emergency response organization.
  • Power problems can sometimes interrupt public water supply systems or disable well pumps, so it’s an especially good idea to keep a supply of bottled drinking water handy, as well as some canned food.
  • People who depend on electric-powered life support equipment, such as a respirator, should let National Grid know. To register as a life support customer, call the company’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-322-3223.
  • Check on elderly family members, neighbors and others who may need assistance during an outage period.

Electric safety

  • If you use a generator to supply power during an outage, be sure to operate it outdoors. Before operating generators, disconnect from National Grid’s system by shutting off the main breaker located in the electric service panel. Failure to do this could jeopardize the safety of line crews and the public.
  • If you lose power, turn off any appliances that were on when the power went off, but leave one light on so you will know when power is restored.
  • Reminder: It’s not safe to work in an elevated bucket during periods of increased wind gusts. Our line workers begin restoration work only when conditions are deemed safe.

We are updating our customers:

  • Report power outages at or call 1-800-465-1212.
  • Receive text message alerts and updates when you text the word STORM to NGRID (64743).
  • Use your mobile device to track outage information and storm-related safety tips through National Grid’s mobile site accessible at
  • Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram; we post all the latest storm and restoration updates.
  • Track outages at