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Finch Paper Wood Yard Upgrades Lead to Increased Pulp Production, Reduced Energy Use

Dec 09, 2015

National Grid $1.8 million energy incentive helps make project a reality

ALBANY, N.Y. – Finch Paper in Glens Falls, NY, is celebrating its 150th year of operation with wood processing facility upgrades that deliver better production efficiency and reduced energy use thanks in part to a $1.8 million incentive from National Grid’s Energy Efficiency Grant Program. The grant is the largest incentive ever given through the program that began in 2009.

State-of-the-art technology to remove bark and chip wood is now making it possible for Finch to reduce energy use, yield more fiber and secure a long-term supply of 8-foot logs, the company’s primary raw material.

“The significant investment allows Finch to be competitive for a very long time. In addition to energy savings, the new equipment produces a minimum of 5 percent higher wood yield in a safer environment,” said Debabrata Mukherjee, Finch Paper CEO.

The upgrades also mean increased productivity for local loggers, many of whom have operated family businesses in the region for years, and have renewed confidence to reinvest in their trucks and trailers.

Empire State Forest Products Association Executive Director John Bartow, Jr. said, “Upgrades at Finch mean upgrades to local family-businesses. Finch is investing in its business and that means more stability for the local small business loggers here in the Adirondack region.”

The Finch upgrades are expected to save more than 6 million kilowatt-hours of power annually – enough electricity to energize 500 homes for a year – and translate into annual savings of more than $540,000.

“National Grid is in the energy business, but it’s important to use that energy as efficiently as possible,” said National Grid Regional Director William Flaherty. “Our energy efficiency programs target businesses like Finch Paper that need an added incentive to make projects like this possible. In the Adirondack region and beyond, these types of investments mean jobs.”

This initiative from National Grid is part of the company’s significant portfolio of programs designed to help businesses manage their energy costs and take advantage of new technologies in energy efficiency.

Businesses in upstate New York interested in more information about National Grid’s energy efficiency programs can call 800-767-1706 or visit:



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