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National Grid Employee Honored for Support of Citizen Warriors

Feb 25, 2015

Company recognized for creating positive work environment for National Guard and Reserve members

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – National Grid employee James Pierie, director of overhead electrical operations, today received a Patriot Award from the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, a Department of Defense operational committee, for his outstanding support of employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserves. Capt. Jason Uhlig, a National Grid field supervisor of protection operations and a U.S. Army Reserve company commander, nominated Pierie, his former supervisor, for the award.

“We are very proud of both Jason and James for their ongoing and unwavering support in service to our country,” said Keith McAfee, vice president, electric operations for National Grid. “Many people may not realize that the Reserve and National Guard are seldom a ‘one weekend a month, two weeks a year’ commitment, especially for a commanding officer like Jason. It takes employer support, every day, for reservists to continue to serve in the military and pursue careers at companies like National Grid.”

Uhlig served 12 years in the Army, four of them on active duty, including a 2012 combat tour in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In 2013, he embarked on a civilian career and joined the National Grid team while continuing to serve in the Army Reserve. As a civil affairs officer, Uhlig devotes much of his personal time to operational development, logistics planning and physical training with his unit, Bravo Company, 401st Civil Affairs Battalion, based in Webster, New York.

The Patriot Award showcases employers’ efforts to support Citizen Warriors by offering flexible schedules and time off prior to and after deployment, caring for families and granting leaves of absence, if needed. Employees serving in the National Guard or Reserve may nominate their supervisors for the award based on the support provided directly to the service member and his or her family.

“The transition process for a military veteran can be a daunting challenge, especially having recently returned from a combat tour,” said Uhlig. “The process does not take place over a matter of weeks, but over the course of years, and not only happens to the service member, but to their families, friends and community, who all play an important role in the process. James Pierie hired me knowing the oath of service I had taken and the duties it involved, even though his department is on call 24/7 due to the nature of our business. And every day since then, he and the entire National Grid team have supported me in both of my roles serving the company and our country.”

The mission of ESGR is to develop and promote supportive workplaces with cooperation and understanding for Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers. In recognition of National Grid’s commitment to this mission and support of employee participation in the military, ESGR presented National Grid with a plaque highlighting the company’s Statement of Support.

“Advocate supervisors play an important role and have a positive impact on maintaining the strength and readiness of our nation’s Guard and Reserve units,” said John Storey, member, ESGR. “The Patriot Award was created to recognize these individuals who provide outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their employees who, like Citizen Warriors before them, have answered their nation’s call to serve.”

Currently, National Grid employs 426 veterans and 91 reservists. The company participates in the Troops to Energy Jobs program, an initiative in which the company partners with five other energy companies across the country and the Center for Energy Workforce Development to develop an accelerated process for bringing military veterans into the energy industry workforce nationwide.

In recent years, National Grid has taken several steps to further enhance its veteran outreach, including creating a dedicated veterans outreach specialist role within the company. This integrated specialist is responsible for veteran-recruiting efforts and assists veterans as they transition into civilian positions within the energy field.

National Grid also has a 200-member strong Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) to help implement the Troops to Energy Jobs program across its U.S. business. The company’s VERG provides ongoing support to veteran employees, assists the human resources department by reviewing resumes for candidates who are veterans, and maintains a visible presence in local communities, including attending career fairs to recruit other veterans.

About ESGR

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve is a Department of Defense office established in 1972 to develop and maintain employer support for Guard and Reserve service. ESGR advocates relevant initiatives, recognizes outstanding support, increases awareness of applicable laws, and resolves conflict between service members and employers. Paramount to ESGR’s mission is encouraging the employment of Guardsmen and reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven leadership to the civilian workforce.

More information about ESGR Employer Outreach is available at or by contacting Tom Bullock, chief, employer outreach, at (571) 372-0709, or by email at



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