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Where can we help you today?

Meter Regulator

Did you know natural gas pipelines are the safest energy transportation system in the United States? We are committed to making them even safer.

We are required by New York State regulations to inspect your gas meter, regulator, and its piping, even when it is located inside.  The inspection is performed at no charge to you and should take approximately 30-60 minutes.

To ensure the ongoing reliability and safety of our systems, we are required to conduct two types of inspections: Service Line Inspections and Meter Regulator Inspections. Both inspections are performed free of charge and require someone over the age of 18 to be present.

Meter Regulator Inspections

Meter Regulator inspections are 30-60 minute inspections that occur every 20 years. To conduct this inspection, a National Grid employee will need access to your gas meter and appliances.

Any contractor doing work for National Grid is required to carry ID. If someone requesting entry into your home or place of business does not show an ID card, don’t let that person in and call your local law enforcement.

Frequently Asked Questions

The National Grid employee completing the inspection will visually inspect the regulator on your gas meter and will use a calibrated gas instrument to check for any leaks on the equipment. They will verify the pressure at the regulator is operating as intended, ensure the regulator vent is positioned correctly and free of any dirt or debris, and make any necessary changes to the equipment. Depending on the type and age of the equipment, the National Grid employee may have to temporarily shut off you gas service to properly inspect the regulator.

A National Grid employee will perform the inspection required.

The inspection takes approximately 30 – 60 minutes.

Yes, in order to conduct this inspection, our National Grid employee will need access to your gas meter and appliances.

  • Please have someone 18 years or older present.
  • Restrain your pets during the visit.
  • Provide clear and safe access to your gas regulator and appliances. The representative will need access inside to perform a safety check on all appliances.

This regulator inspection is separate and distinct from the service line inspections that we are currently conducting throughout the state. Even if your service line inspection has already been completed, we will still need to complete your gas regulator and piping check.

The inspection will take approximately 30-60 minutes. 

Our National Grid employee will need access to your gas meter and appliances.

  • Please have someone 18 years or older present.
  • Restrain your pets during the visit.
  • Provide clear and safe access to your gas regulator and appliances. The representative will need access inside to perform a safety check on all appliances.

Depending on the type and age of the equipment, the National Grid employee may have to temporarily shut off you gas service to properly inspect the regulator. In the event it was required to temporarily shut your gas service off to complete the inspection, the National Grid employee will turn the gas back on when complete, light up your gas appliances, and verify they are working safely and as designed.

If you rent your home or business, please contact your landlord or property manager.  Call National Grid to update your account with landlord or property manager information.

Yes. We are required by New York Public Service Commission Pipeline Safety Code to perform a periodic safety inspection of the gas regulator and piping that runs to our gas meter on your property.

No, the inspection is at no charge to you.

The National Grid employee will make and/or arrange any necessary repairs to any company owned equipment at no charge to the customer.

Failure to schedule this inspection may lead to an interruption of your gas service until this work is executed.